What is a Challenge Group?

What is a Challenge Group?
A Challenge Group is a small group committed to getting healthy by participating in Beachbody workout programs for a defined period of time. A Beachbody Coach organizes the group and sets up a private Facebook page for the group members. Everyone in the group helps and motivates each other to achieve their health and fitness goals by sharing tips, recipes, accountability and results. The Coach will provide meal plans or clean eating options for the duration of the group, usually 21 days. It takes 3 weeks to make or break a habit! 21 day challenge groups are a great way to jumpstart your journey.

Pick a program like P90X3, T25 or Piyo. Cant pick a program? Contact me and I can help you decide what program works best for you based on your fitness level and goals. Drinking Shakeology daily is an integral part of the fitness model. I usually replace breakfast with Shakeology or as a snack after my workout.
My last challenge group is just finishing up, I’m getting their results in and calculating, so far i have the stats of 5 girls who have lost a combined total of 44 lbs and 53.5 inches! I have 5 more sending in their stats soon!
Join my next Facebook Challenge Group. Contact me for more details. I will put you in the private group, give you weekly meal plans and stay in contact daily to make sure we are staying on track!
As long as you are willing, your goals are in reach!

Start your journey here by making me your free coach! https://www.teambeachbody.com/signup/-/signup/free?referringRepId=319016
Take the challenge https://teambeachbody.com/beachbody-challenge?referringRepId=319016 and choose your program https://teambeachbody.com/checkout/-/bbcheckout/challengepack?referringRepId=319016
Enter your results when you’ve finished a program, get a free t-shirt and you could also win $500-$1000 or more!

Have questions? Need help getting your challenge pack? Send me a message! jmkpeterson@gmail.com

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